
英国NaTure科学研讨月刊杂志 英国NaTure科学研究月刊杂志由英



  英国NaTure科学研究月刊杂志由英国Nature出版集团出版发行,在世界各地都拥有大量的读者; 发行135 年以来一直是科学研究领域最具影响力的媒体之一。


  Nature收集曾经刊登于Nature及其它科学期刊上的文章以外,还包括各式的资讯分享,例如:Solve innovation challenges(解决创新挑战)、科学类工作职缺刊登,相关资料库、网站的链接和应用及科学性新闻与线上收听等等,是个兼具Nature之权威与专业,并结合网路功能(如RRS,E-mail寄送最新文章)的资料库。

  Nature Research is here to serve the research community by publishing its most significant discoveries—findings that advance knowledge and address some of the greatest challenges that we face as a society today. Our journals publish not only primary research but also reviews, critical comment, news and analysis.

  FromNature—the leading international weekly journal of science first published in 1869—to selective subject-specific subscription journals includingNature GeneticsandNature Physicsand broad open-access journals such asNature CommunicationsandScientific Reports, there is a home for your research within our family of journals. We're committed to providing more options for authors in the open access arena too. In early 2018, three new high-quality, selective, open access multidisciplinary journals—Communications Biology,Communications ChemistryandCommunications Physics—published their first papers. OurNature Reviews titlesshowcase authoritative, accessible and significant review content. High-quality graphics and enhanced content provide context and explanation, whatever your discipline.

  Every month, nine million people read news, analysis and commentary on nature.com. We are committed to developing the next generation of scientists through our backing for theNatureAwards for Mentoring in Science, the John Maddox Prize for Standing up for Science and the Nature Research Awards for Inspiring and Innovating Science.

网站TAG: 英国NaTure科学研讨月刊杂志  英国NaTure科学研究月刊杂志由英  英国  nature  科学研究  科学月刊杂志 

